Rabu, 16 April 2014

The Next Leader

Hello, my name is Fairuuz Ryanhilmi Hibatullah, I am from XI science 1 and I am running for the 'schoolcouncil'. I'm always fully organised, and ready to work. I'm dedicated, responsible and enthusiastic.

These are the three words that describe me, and three reasons why you should vote for me.
If them reasons aren't good enough, then you shouldn't vote for me. But, I can promise you something... I will try my hardest to help the staff and students to have a nice and memorable school life. 

I have many great ideas for the coming year, involving all of the student for every activities will be my priority. I think all of the students have the right to involve to make a decision for the school activities. I will make the coming year not only the student council year but also all of the students year. I wan to unite us for the better us. I will make all of the students take part in every activities so they could take part for our improvement.

Beside that I will make the connection between student become closer. By doing this I will make everyone in this school happy to go to school. And in the end they will do their best at school.

I believe that I am qualified to represent our school image due to the fact that I take part in many resources and activities around school to improve the equipment around our school, and because I get good grades.

Please Vote For Me to take part in the School Council.

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